Course Access
The Zenva app no longer works! Where is the mobile Zenva app?
As of February 2023, we made the difficult decision to delist our mobile Zenva app for both Android and iOS. Due to changes in mobile ecosystems and new restrictions within the app stores, the Zenva app became unable to meet the quality standards we ...
Notice of Course Removal for Third Party Courses
At Zenva, we are dedicated to providing modern and industry-relevant skills in coding and development. In order to facilitate this, we made the decision to completely remove a sizeable collection of our oldest and most deprecated courses from our ...
I bought lifetime access but my course was archived! Why?
Besides our subscription, we often offer lifetime access versions of individual courses, Learning Pathways (through Kickstarter), third-party bundles (through sites like Humble Bundle), or similar. When purchasing lifetime access, you are purchasing ...
How can I save a course for later?
Zenva offers a massive library of courses on a variety of subjects you might be interested in. Likewise, it can be very easy to get into situations where you'll find courses you want to take later - but don't have time to take right now. With our ...
Where can I find my courses on Zenva Academy?
Ready to learn but not sure how to access your courses? There are several areas to locate courses that depend on your situation and needs. Each section below will tackle different scenarios so you can find your courses fast and get learning! Please ...
Why was a course removed from a Learning Pathway that's part of my subscription?
When updates to languages, frameworks, or engines have made a course obsolete, we will often decide to archive it and focus on promoting more up-to-content (including potential replacement courses that are provided free of charge to active ...
Where can I find Learning Pathway and/or bundle content?
In some cases, you'll have access to a collection of courses all belonging to the same Learning Pathway or bundle. While you'll still take the courses individually, these collections are designed to be organized containers pertaining to certain ...
I can't find my courses! Where are they?
Sometimes after logging in, you may run into a situation where you are suddenly unable to locate a specific course or any of your courses. First, before diving into this article, we recommend reviewing the following article to ensure you’re familiar ...
Where can I view the courses from?
You can view your courses from anywhere! Whether on your home computer, phone, or tablet, as long as you have an internet connection, you can access your courses on Zenva Academy from any place on Earth. Please note, however, that some countries/ISPs ...
Popular Articles
How do I post my certificate on LinkedIn?
Sharing your Certificate of Completion on LinkedIn is a great way to impress potential employers with the fact you have been actively engaged in learning. Below we will outline the process for sharing your certificate view LinkedIn. Before ...
How to Install Python on Windows
If you intend to use our Python courses with a code editor like Python's build-in IDLE, Visual Studio, Anaconda, Spyder, or something else, you will need to first install the Python runtime to your local computer. This short article will cover how to ...
How to Install Visual Studio Code for Windows
In this article, we'll showcase how to install Visual Studio Code (VSC), a multi-language applicable code editor, for Windows. If you'd like to install VSC for Mac, see this article instead: How to Install Visual Studio Code for Mac Installing VSC ...
Course Update Policy
This article describes how we deal with updating courses in the face of changing technologies, such as updates to languages, frameworks, engines, and so on. Below outlines the entire life-cycle of a course, from creation to archiving, and how we deal ...
Codemurai no longer works! Where is Codemurai?
As of August 2023, we made the difficult decision to delist Codemurai from both Android and iOS. While Codemurai will always have a special place in our hearts, technology has evolved rapidly since its creation. As such, the Codemurai content has ...