Course Update Policy

Course Update Policy

This article describes how we deal with updating courses in the face of changing technologies, such as updates to languages, frameworks, engines, and so on.
Below outlines the entire life-cycle of a course, from creation to archiving, and how we deal with updates at each stage. This workflow ensures that all courses in our subscription are current and relevant to our students!

Course Life-cycle

1 - Course Release 
A new course is created using the latest version of a framework or following the most up-to-date methods for using a language. 
2 - Minor Course Updates
As technologies evolve, there might be small differences between what's in the course and how the latest version of the frameworks/tools covered operate.
If these differences are minor, we will often update the course by adding:
  • Updates to the lesson summaries
  • Additional “text lessons“
  • New versions of the project files
  • Occasionally, new lesson videos
Note: These in-course updates have always been - and will continue to remain - free, so all students can continue to have a smooth learning experience.
3 - Course Archiving
When a course differs too much from the current version of the frameworks or tools and becomes obsolete, we will archive it. This means that the course will be removed from our storefront and removed from subscription Learning Pathways.
Additionally, some features might be disabled for both subscription and non-subscription users, including:
  • Course updates (no further fixes will be applied to the lessons)
  • All course support (except in the cases of broken videos or missing files)
Students who purchased the course outside of the subscription will still retain access to the old course. Please review the following article for more information: Why was a course removed from a Learning Pathway that's part of my subscription?

For subscribers, we may choose to continue to enable access to the course for an unspecified duration. You can find Archived Courses via this page here (you must be logged in to your subscriber account):

Note: Those who purchased archived courses on Zenva Academy through other platforms (such as Humble Bundle) will still be able to redeem the course as normal if not done so previously.

4 - Major Course Updates/Remade Courses
After archiving a course, if it is a popular subject, we will often remake the course. Remade courses will be added to our catalog and will be immediately accessible for subscribers. Meanwhile, non-subscribers are free to purchase the remade course individually.

Note that remade courses are not given for free to customers who purchased a previous version of that course (inclusive of whether it was a standalone purchase or as part of a bundle, Mini-Degree, or Academy).
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