Codemurai no longer works! Where is Codemurai?

Codemurai no longer works! Where is Codemurai?

As of August 2023, we made the difficult decision to delist Codemurai from both Android and iOS.

While Codemurai will always have a special place in our hearts, technology has evolved rapidly since its creation. As such, the Codemurai content has slowly become more outdated with current practices - and has long since been superseded by our actively supported content on Zenva Academy.

The mobile ecosystem has also changed a lot since then. New restrictions in the app stores and the deprecation of the APIs that Codemurai was built on meant the service became unable to meet the quality standards we set for our services.

Rather than continue to support Codemurai, we chose instead to dedicate our resources elsewhere to continue to meet Zenva's goals of providing quality education in coding.

Where is the Content Going?

All this said, we know that many of our users love the content offered by Codemurai. We also know that Kickstarter supporters and current Codemurai users may still want to utilize the content or complete their learning journey that they already started.

Fortunately, we've made all the content that was on Codemurai available for FREE as PDFs. Simply click the link below to download the Codemurai files:

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